Friday, May 1, 2020

Trump Cutting Back on Press Briefings

During the COVID-19 pandemic there have been a lot of press briefings meant to inform the public about what is going on. President Trump however has somehow managed to turn these briefings into somewhat of a spectacle and his approval has dropped as a result.

For a while now Trump has been down playing COVID-19 and has been making outrageous statements. One of which he said maybe using disinfectants in the body could fight COVID-19. Have to agree with him it will most certainly kill the virus... along with anyone who injected the  disinfectant in their bodies. The sad thing is that people are believing him. Twitter has decided to take down what he said about the disinfectants because they could cause harm to people.

Recently polls have shown that these briefings are causing Trump to lose approval among Americans because they believe he is mishandling the COVID-19 epidemic.

A recent poll has found that 51% of Americans disaprove of Trumps handling of the crisis while 39% approve. This is not good news for Trump since there is an upcoming election. However as of now there has not been a change in the point gap for the general election.

This can be blamed on the fact that the US by far has the most COVID-19 cases in the world right now and his showings at the press briefings have made him look woefully incompetent.

Recently Trump has announced that he would be cutting back on his briefings. Quite frankly that would be a smart move by his part. His appearances are not helping him at all and are only hurting his approval ratings and with the election coming up, its better to mitigate damage and since his briefings are damaging his chances he shouldn't be doing them. He doesn't want the point gap to increase even more.


The Hill

New York Times

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