Friday, May 1, 2020

Animal Crossing Banned in China

Since quarantine many people have turned to different outlets to pass the time while at home. One of those past times is gaming and during quarantine a new Animal Crossing game was released and is drawing attention from people of all ages and from all over the world. 

Animal Crossing is a game in which the player creates a character and plays to pay off their debt, and help expand the village they live in. They can create things in said village and the game has very in depth customization. Which has drawn some attention.

In Hong Kong since citizens cannot leave their homes they have taken to Animal Crossing to hold protest. The protesters have made pictures of Winnie the Pooh, which is banned because people make fun of the President of China by calling him Winnie the Pooh, and other various activities in game. They to get word out about their protest they've been posting pictures of them on twitter for the world to see. In China there are strict censorship laws in place that can hurt companies that distribute games. So all retailers that sold Animal Crossing stopped selling it in a preemptive way to avoid legal troubles.

This goes to show how oppressive China's hold on all forms of media are. 

One must give it up to the protesters, for coming up with a unique way of gathering even during this pandemic that didn't put anyone at risk and still managed to use their voice, no matter how restricted it may be, to let people know that their movement wouldn't be put on halt. 

However even if distributors no longer sell the game that doesn't take the games away from those who already have it. Even if they can't use that game, I'm sure they'll find a way to keep on protesting.


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