Friday, May 1, 2020

COVID-19 and Tik Tok

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During quarantine people find themselves looking for things to pass time. Whether that's watching TV, playing video games, or spending time on TikTok.

TikTok is a very popular social media app in which people make short videos, similarly to Vine. TikTok was already very popular before quarantine but now that people have even less things to do before more and more people are turning to social media, and even more to TikTok.

There are a plethora of videos for people to delve into to spend the day watching. Whether you want to do a dance challenge, or just laugh TikTok has the content for you. For those creatives out there you may want to try your hand at making a video as well. Since TikTok is at an all time high you may see yourself go viral! People are trying more and more to go viral now that they have the free time to do so now there are even some people quitting their jobs in an attempt to make a living off of TikTok.

One popular form of video is of people "pranking" their boyfriend or girlfriend by walking in the room naked. Not sure of how the parents feel about this one, but one cannot deny its popularity due to how prevalent it has become.

My guess to why TikTok has gained a boost from current events is due to people trying to find an escape from what is happening. Why not forget about the virus for a few minutes and laugh at something online.

People are flocking to mediums as a form of escapism, and TikTok is doing the right thing at the right time which has made it gain a huge surge in popularity. As more and more people flock to TikTok as a form of escapism TikTok will gain even more popularity, thus gaining more attention and causing even more people to flock to it.


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