Sunday, March 8, 2020

EOTO Radio


Radio, everyone knows what radio is right? However not many know where it came from or about the impact it has had on society as a whole. Who invented it, and how did the radio impact the world?

The invention of the Radio cannot be credited to one individual. There were numerous people who took part in it's creation. Since radio was built off of radio telegraphy it has a rich history however there is one man who proved using radio to send signals across vast distances was feasible and his name is Guglielmo Marconi, an Italian who sent a signal across the English channel then later across the Atlantic from England to Canada. Later on however his patent was over turned in favor for Nikola Tesla's in 1943.

At first radio was radiotelegraphy and was used not for spoken messages but for written ones. Armies made great use of this technology from long distances, information is one of the most powerful weapons in war and radiotelegraphy was a very powerful weapon because it was used to transfer information and its successor, radio, was used to do so later.

In the early 1900's Lee Deforest, also known as the father of radio, invented Am radio and coined the term radio. AM radio allowed for there to be  multiple radio stations.

In 1915 speech was transmitted using radio for the first time. A message was sent from New York to San Francisco and across the Atlantic ocean. This set in place the beginning of an era, Soon the radio would be used to broadcast many things from music, weather, election results, traffic reports and more. In 1933  Edwin Howard Armstrong invented the FM radio which allowed for even more radio stations to be used. In 1965 the worlds first FM Master System as set up which allowed for multiple radio stations to broadcast from the same source. This once again revolutionized radio and had a huge impact on the world as we know it.

The invention of radio allowed for media to travel much more easily, and one piece of media is music. The transfer of music has also helped shape the world. Music is used to share ideas, feelings, and emotions and thanks to radio people didn't have to go well out of their way to listen to music they could enjoy it from the comfort of their home, and now they can enjoy it from the comfort of their phone, home, car, just about anywhere. If radio hadn't been invented the world would be a much different place.


Radio History Documents. (2019, May 7). Retrieved from                                  

Bellis, M. (2019, May 11). Everything You Need to Know About the Invention of Radio. Retrieved from 

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