Monday, March 9, 2020

About Me

About Me

My name is Randall Belcher and I am currently a student at High Point University Aspiring to be a Game Designer. 

I was born and raised in Maryland. I spent most of my younger years playing video games and watching anime with my brother and our friends. Eventually we started playing basketball. Sadly I loved basketball more than it loved me so my playing days ended in highshcool.

One thing that I am very proud of was receiving a scholarship that allowed me to go on a trip to South Korea for two weeks for only five hundred dollars, everything was covered from tour guides, shuttles, food, and hotels. I got to see museums, schools, folk villages and shopping districts which was really fun. Sadly after that trip I stopped practicing Korean so please don't ask me to translate any K-dramas or Parasite, I wasn't even good enough in Korean to begin with to translate anything of that level.

My biggest influence on deciding to study game design is, shocker, video games. I have a great passion for gaming and as I was growing up I became fascinated with how they were made, marketed, patched, and balanced. I'm glad that High Point University can help me along my journey life.

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