Monday, March 9, 2020

Bloomberg's Failed Campaign

Bloomberg's Failed Campaign

Super Tuesday has passed an along with it came the dropping of all but two Presidential candidates. There were many democratic candidates this year however one of them made quite a splash in the media, and that man is Mike Bloomberg.

Mike Bloomberg joined in the campaign rather late compared to every other candidate, but he had one thing that other candidates didn't have. A shit load of money.

There were many people who didn't know of Mr. Bloomberg before the 2020 however now Mr. Bloomberg made sure that wouldn't be the case. Once he joined the race he put out ads every where. I personally couldn't watch a youtube video without seeing the man, and towards the end of his run he started paying meme accounts to advertise himself by making memes of him. 

Honestly to a certain extent his plan worked. Just about everyone knew who he was, whether they wanted to or not. He even managed to snag some delegates and win one U.S territory. However his ads simply weren't enough to capture the peoples hearts. Maybe if he had started campaigning a couple of years ago by visiting battleground states he would have stood more of a chance compared to bombarding people with constant ads.


Lorenz, T. (2020, February 13). Michael Bloomberg's Campaign Suddenly Drops Memes Everywhere. Retrieved from

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