Thursday, April 30, 2020

Self Audit

Just about everyone has an online presence. From your grandma to your little cousin who seems a little too young to own a phone, but how much of an online presence do they have? How much of an online presence do you have? I pondered this question about my online presence and I came up with an answer rather quickly/

I have little to no online presence.

How does it have little to no presence in the modern era? Well the answer to that is also simple. I just made my social media rather recently, and I don't like posting so my presence is very small, and people probably don't find what I post to be rather interesting.

From my social media one can figure out I'm an African American, go to High Point University, and maybe that I like taking pictures. There isn't much else anyone can figure out. When I google myself I don't pop up but people who share my name do, and there is a surprising amount of people who's name is Randall Belcher out there.

Some people say that social media can make people feel depressed, lonely, or feel isolated. Well yes it probably does, but  I don't feel that way. Since I look at social media as the "best parts" of peoples lives I don't feel like I'm missing out when people post where they are going, what they're doing, or who they are hanging out with. If one believes that people's post are actually what they are doing everyday then it makes sense why they would feel depressed or lonely because if they see everyone posting the best parts of their lives and believe that's them everyday they can feel like their life kinda sucks in comparison.

I should probably try to increase my presence on social media, use my platforms as a way to advertise myself. That way when employers do look for me they find me easily and like what they see.


Charles, S., & M.d. (2019, March 15). Social media linked to rise in mental health disorders in teens, survey finds. Retrieved from 

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